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Get users and groups in project

GET <your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/access


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API

Get all groups, users and their roles, and available roles for the given project.


Path Parameters

  • projectId string required


  • groups object[]required

    A list of groups that have access to this project

  • Array [
  • name string

    The name of the group

  • id integer required

    The group's ID in the Unleash system

  • addedAt date-time

    When this group was added to the project

  • roleId integer

    The ID of the role this group has in the given project

  • roles integer[]

    A list of roles this user has in the given project

  • description string nullable

    A custom description of the group

  • mappingsSSO string[]

    A list of SSO groups that should map to this Unleash group

  • rootRole number nullable

    A role id that is used as the root role for all users in this group. This can be either the id of the Viewer, Editor or Admin role.

  • createdBy string nullable

    A user who created this group

  • createdAt date-time nullable

    When was this group created

  • users object[]

    A list of users belonging to this group

  • Array [
  • joinedAt date-time

    The date when the user joined the group

  • createdBy string nullable

    The username of the user who added this user to this group

  • user objectrequired

    An Unleash user

  • id integer required

    The user id

  • isAPI boolean deprecated

    (Deprecated): Used internally to know which operations the user should be allowed to perform

  • name string nullable

    Name of the user

  • email string

    Email of the user

  • username string nullable

    A unique username for the user

  • imageUrl string

    URL used for the userprofile image

  • inviteLink string

    If the user is actively inviting other users, this is the link that can be shared with other users

  • loginAttempts integer

    How many unsuccessful attempts at logging in has the user made

  • emailSent boolean

    Is the welcome email sent to the user or not

  • rootRole integer

    Which root role this user is assigned

  • seenAt date-time nullable

    The last time this user logged in

  • createdAt date-time

    The user was created at this time

  • accountType string

    A user is either an actual User or a Service Account

  • permissions string[]


  • scimId string nullable

    The SCIM ID of the user, only present if managed by SCIM

  • ]
  • scimId string nullable

    The SCIM ID of the group, only present if managed by SCIM

  • ]
  • users object[]required

    A list of users and their roles within this project

  • Array [
  • isAPI boolean deprecated

    Whether this user is authenticated through Unleash tokens or logged in with a session

  • name string

    The name of the user

  • email string nullable

    The user's email address

  • id integer required

    The user's ID in the Unleash system

  • imageUrl uri nullable

    A URL pointing to the user's image.

  • addedAt date-time

    When this user was added to the project

  • roleId integer

    The ID of the role this user has in the given project

  • roles integer[]

    A list of roles this user has in the given project

  • ]
  • roles object[]required

    A list of roles that are available within this project.

  • Array [
  • id integer required

    The role id

  • type string required

    A role can either be a global root role (applies to all projects) or a project role

  • name string required

    The name of the role

  • description string

    A more detailed description of the role and what use it's intended for

  • project string nullable

    What project the role belongs to

  • ]


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API


Base URL
Security Scheme
projectId — path required
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/access' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'